Enter the Lake House and discover its secrets in the latest expansion

Over the past few months, we’ve been hard at work on more Alan Wake 2 for you. In the most recent PlayStation showcase, you could catch a glimpse of what’s to come – The Lake House, the second Alan Wake 2 expansion, out this fall.
Watch the teaser trailer below!
We hope that you can tell by the footage above that this is a return to form for Alan Wake 2 in terms of tone. You will not find levity of the kind that the first expansion for Alan Wake 2, Night Springs, offered. We have constructed The Lake House to be a chilling survival horror experience.
This is just a teaser, however. We will be ready to talk more about The Lake House… soon. Keep an eye on our social media to find out more.
The Lake House will be available with the Alan Wake 2 Expansion Pass, which is included in both the digital Deluxe Edition and the upcoming physical Deluxe and Collector’s Editions of Alan Wake 2. If you own the Standard Edition of Alan Wake 2, you will need to upgrade to the Deluxe Edition to access the expansion.
See you when we’re next ready to reveal more on The Lake House and remember – monsters wear many faces.